
Elliot Schulz (he/him/his) is the best-selling author of Welcome Well, an introduction to wellness that went to number one in Amazon's 1-Hour-reads category in Health and Wellness. For years, Elliot has been developing his methods of working with crystals, feng shui, chakras, meditation, and more. Elliot is excited and honored to share the knowledge and expertise.

Elliot is a certified crystal healer, Moonologer (TM), reiki master, and has taken a multitude of continued learning courses, workshops, and classes both online and live in-person. 

Stay tuned to Oneboolane for up-to-date wellness tips and info on upcoming publications, products, and courses! Click here for more ways to connect to Elliot.

To schedule an appointment for a one-on-one session, please click here for Calendly.

Forward momentum: All planets direct!

Forward momentum: All planets direct!

Many are aware of the often dreaded phrase "Mercury retrograde" referring to chaotic things occurring but do you know what it means actually? Although all the planets continue on their normal rotation, at certain times it appears as if they are going in a reverse motion based on our alignment with them. Kind of like in the old time car commercials, it would show a car and in certain angles and shadows from the camera shot - the wheels would appear to be going the other way. The same things happen with the planets. 


We are now in about a 3-month span where all the planets are direct! Mars and Mercury recently went direct as well as the last of the retrograde planets at the moment, Uranus. So now all planets are direct - what does that mean? 


Onwards and upwards! With all planets in forward motion, things that may have had hangups or road blocks will now start to move forward and make progress. Make plans towards your goals now during this time and then begin to take action steps immediately! 


We are under the first new moon of the new year, perfect time to make a goal and a plan and take action steps! It is ok if it seems like there is so much to do before getting to that goal, so the sky is the limit! Every goal, no matter how big or small, takes something from you to happen. Intention is everything, so start now.. Set the intention of what you want and then let your plan unfold from there.


Looking for that perfect crystal to set intentions to help you work towards your goal? Check out this website for my new crystal, jewelry, and more store…coming soon!


Launch of Oneboolane Crystals & Jewelry!

Launch of Oneboolane Crystals & Jewelry!

Lemurian Crystals - Inner Wisdom from Beyond

Lemurian Crystals - Inner Wisdom from Beyond