
Elliot Schulz (he/him/his) is the best-selling author of Welcome Well, an introduction to wellness that went to number one in Amazon's 1-Hour-reads category in Health and Wellness. For years, Elliot has been developing his methods of working with crystals, feng shui, chakras, meditation, and more. Elliot is excited and honored to share the knowledge and expertise.

Elliot is a certified crystal healer, Moonologer (TM), reiki master, and has taken a multitude of continued learning courses, workshops, and classes both online and live in-person. 

Stay tuned to Oneboolane for up-to-date wellness tips and info on upcoming publications, products, and courses! Click here for more ways to connect to Elliot.

To schedule an appointment for a one-on-one session, please click here for Calendly.

Two-Headed Flower!

Two-Headed Flower!

A generational miracle! One of my favorite things is to go around and check on the flowers outside; watering, dead-heading, cleaning up and caring for them so they can be and look their best. The other morning, I came out to notice a beautiful anomaly – a two-headed Gerber daisy! Beautiful, vibrant pink, two blooms on one sturdy stalk! I have never seen this before! Of course, I had to take some pictures and share on social media. In doing so, I found out that my amazing, late grandmother had similar findings in her most beautiful gardens of flowers, vegetables, and herbs! She would proclaim to my mom that it was a sign that good luck to is to follow – so that is what I am taking that to mean. 

As I nurture my own green thumb, I am always learning about plants, both indoor and outdoor. I will attribute some of the success in our plants to my partner who helps out with them as well as a secret little ingredient that seems to work fabulous, miracle grow!! Click here for the “secret sauce.”  

I have had one occasion that I remember of having a double-yolked egg that I found while baking and it was right around the beginning of the year. That is said to be good luck as well, especially landing on a day towards the beginning of the year - I took that as good luck for the whole year! This “siamese flower” finding is landing on the cusp of a new moon, which is always an opportune time to make new moon wishes or intentions. I am taking this as a sign that the universe is ready to sprinkle a little extra va-va-voom into the upcoming magical intentions time ahead! Set your calendars! The planet of luck, magic, and good foturne, Jupiter, is also coming to be closest to the earth so, again, a dash of extra magic in the universe for all of us 😊 Read on in the next post for more info. 


Lemurian Crystals - Inner Wisdom from Beyond

Lemurian Crystals - Inner Wisdom from Beyond

New Moon! Jupiter is Closest to Earth in 70 Years!

New Moon! Jupiter is Closest to Earth in 70 Years!