14-Day Wealth Workshop
Manifest your heart's desire with this thrilling 14-day workshop adventure that has been carefully curated by author, blogger, reiki master, crystal healing certified, Moonologer™ and wellness guide Elliot Schulz.
Enclosed in this workshop are some my most favorite and most successful manifesting tips and practices you can use to start working towards anything and everything you could possibly imagine!
My manifesting journey started years ago when I thought one day “hrmm, I would like a hot tub!” So, I began using some of these very practices…then after the hot tub came to be, I thought hrmm, I would like to do that again but now with a sports car (I am in love with cars!!) I will preface this and say his was not overnight snapping of my fingers and a car was born. With any manifesting tips there are action steps that need to be taken of course, but within a couple years I was in the driver's seat of a brand new C8 Corvette.
But i didn’t stop there, and I’m not done yet — so join me and see how easy it can be. I didn’t intend on that rhyming and no I’m not some famous silver spoon who just landed here and want you to buy this over-priced ego feed. This workshop is for everyone and under $10!!!
I am a (western) healthcare worker by day and work more with Eastern; holistic; reiki; energy; crystals; astrology; moonology™ by night. Happy and excited to share all that I have learned! The workshop can be downloaded and printed or saved to your favorite device to work on electronically and is live on my Etsy page here.
Digital Journal, Journaling, Journal Prompts, Manifesting, Moon Phases and more here at my shop!