
Elliot Schulz (he/him/his) is the best-selling author of Welcome Well, an introduction to wellness that went to number one in Amazon's 1-Hour-reads category in Health and Wellness. For years, Elliot has been developing his methods of working with crystals, feng shui, chakras, meditation, and more. Elliot is excited and honored to share the knowledge and expertise.

Elliot is a certified crystal healer, Moonologer (TM), reiki master, and has taken a multitude of continued learning courses, workshops, and classes both online and live in-person. 

Stay tuned to Oneboolane for up-to-date wellness tips and info on upcoming publications, products, and courses! Click here for more ways to connect to Elliot.

To schedule an appointment for a one-on-one session, please click here for Calendly.

April 2024 Full Moon in Scorpio (Full Pink Moon)

April 2024 Full Moon in Scorpio (Full Pink Moon)

Embracing the Pink Full Moon: A Time for Renewal and Reflection

In the vast expanse of the night sky, the emergence of a full moon captivates our imagination and stirs our souls. Among the array of lunar phenomena, the Pink Full Moon stands out as a symbol of renewal, growth, and emotional resonance. In this blog post, we delve into the significance of the Pink Full Moon and explore how we can harness its energies for personal and spiritual enrichment.

Contrary to its name, the Pink Full Moon does not actually appear pink in color. Instead, it derives its name from the vibrant pink flowers, known as wild ground phlox, that bloom during this time of year in certain regions. Also referred to as the Sprouting Grass Moon, Egg Moon, or Fish Moon, the Pink Full Moon typically occurs in April and heralds the arrival of spring in the Northern Hemisphere.

Harnessing the Energies:

- Renewal and Rebirth: Just as nature awakens from its winter slumber, the Pink Full Moon invites us to shed the old and embrace the new. It is a potent time for initiating change, setting intentions, and planting the seeds of growth.

- Emotional Healing: The Pink Full Moon illuminates the depths of our emotions, offering an opportunity for introspection, release, and healing. It encourages us to confront unresolved feelings, cultivate self-awareness, and nurture our emotional well-being.

- Creative Inspiration: Under the luminous glow of the Pink Full Moon, creativity flourishes and imagination runs wild. Tap into this fertile energy to channel your artistic expression, pursue passion projects, and infuse your life with beauty and inspiration.

Rituals and Practices:

- Moon Gazing: Take a moment to bask in the ethereal radiance of the Pink Full Moon, either by simply admiring its beauty from a serene vantage point or by engaging in a mindful meditation or visualization practice.

- Intention Setting: Harness the potent energy of the Pink Full Moon to set intentions for the upcoming lunar cycle. Write down your aspirations, dreams, and goals, infusing them with clarity, purpose, and heartfelt intention.

- Cleansing and Clearing: Purify your space and energy field by performing rituals such as smudging with sage, bathing in moonlight-infused water, or engaging in energetic practices like Reiki or crystal healing.

Connecting with Nature:

- Commune with the natural world during this auspicious time, whether it's by taking a leisurely stroll through a blossoming garden, hiking amidst lush greenery, or simply sitting beneath the stars and soaking in the serenity of the night.


As the Pink Full Moon graces the heavens with its luminous presence, let us embrace the opportunity for renewal, reflection, and spiritual growth. By aligning ourselves with the rhythms of nature and honoring the sacred cycles of the moon, we can cultivate greater harmony, wisdom, and vitality in our lives.

May the Pink Full Moon inspire us to bloom with resilience, creativity, and grace as we journey through the ever-unfolding tapestry of existence.

Get more insight about the wonder of the moon from me…your friendly Moonologer! You can book an introductory session with me here.

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