
Elliot Schulz (he/him/his) is the best-selling author of Welcome Well, an introduction to wellness that went to number one in Amazon's 1-Hour-reads category in Health and Wellness. For years, Elliot has been developing his methods of working with crystals, feng shui, chakras, meditation, and more. Elliot is excited and honored to share the knowledge and expertise.

Elliot is a certified crystal healer, Moonologer (TM), reiki master, and has taken a multitude of continued learning courses, workshops, and classes both online and live in-person. 

Stay tuned to Oneboolane for up-to-date wellness tips and info on upcoming publications, products, and courses! Click here for more ways to connect to Elliot.

To schedule an appointment for a one-on-one session, please click here for Calendly.

Start Working with Crystals

Start Working with Crystals

Wondering what is the best way to start working with the amazing energy of crystals? It is soo easy! Follow these simple steps: 

Step One: Pick a crystal that “calls” to you! This could be either a piece that you already own, or when you are shopping and selecting your next specimen. I have found the best way to select the one that you “need” is by using your own intuition (I.e., which one “looks” the best to your eye at that moment in time). You can always look up the specific details about the characteristics and properties of it afterwards. If you were drawn to it, there was a reason! 

Step Two: Cleanse the crystal by placing it on a piece of selenite, clear quartz, or another crystal of your choosing. Or cleanse it via other methods as mentioned in my book WELCOME WELL like sage or moonlight. 

Step Three: Begin to work with and use your new crystal. An easy, interesting way to start working with it is just by holding it, noticing all the details of it, thinking of the magic of the universe that formed this beautiful resource.  

BONUS! Step Four: Document your crystal journey! What energy does it give off or make you feel? What is your mood? You may want to journal your findings. Do a simple meditation with your new crystal and hold it in your hands for (5+ minutes) and focus on your breath. Where does your mind wander to? It may be places that your crystal is trying to help work with you on. 


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"Must Have" Crystals - Part One

"Must Have" Crystals - Part One

Full Moon is Upon Us...Are You Ready?

Full Moon is Upon Us...Are You Ready?